Faculties & Courses
มหาวิทยาลัย Reading เปิดสอนทั้งหมด 5 Faculties คือ
1. The Faculty of Science
2. The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
3. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities
4. The Faculty of Life Sciences
5. Institution of Education
มหาวิทยาลัย Reading ได้เปิดสอนทั้งแบบ Taught Master, Research Master และ PhD โดย Taught Master มีหลักสูตร Full-Time 12 เดือนเป็นส่วนใหญ่ หลักสูตร PhD ใช้เวลาระหว่าง 3-5 ปี รายชื่อหลักสูตร Taught Master ที่น่าสนใจมีดังนี้
MSc Accounting and Financial Management
LLM Advanced Legal Studies
MSc Agricultural Development Economics
MSc Applied Informatics
MA Applied Linguistics
MSc Banking and Finance in Emerging Economics
MSc Banking and Financial Systems in the Global Economy
MSc Business Analysis
MA Business and Management in Emerging Markets
MSc Construction Management
MSc Corporate Finance
MSc Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Management
MSc Development Finance
MSc Digital Signal Processing and Communications
MA English Language Teaching
MA European and International Studies
LLM European Union Law
MSc Finance and Real Estate
MSc Financial Engineering
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Food Economics and Marketing
MSc Food Science
MSc Food Technology
MA Governance
MSc International Banking and Financial Services
MSc International Business and Economic Development
MSc International Business and Finance
MSc International Business
MSc International Economic Development
MSc International Finance and Economic Development
MSc International Management and Accounting
MSc International Management
MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking
MSc Investment Management
MSc Marketing and International
MSc Nutrition and Food Science
MSc Real Estate Economics
MSc Renewable Energy
MSc Rural Land and Business Management
MSc The Economics of International Business and Finance
The Henley Executive MBA
The Henley MBA
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